
Centre des arts d'Edmundston


France D'Amour
Quatorze (Première partie Maude Cyr-Deschênes)

Friday September 27, 2024 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • pop singing


Need a morale booster? France D'Amour's show is just the thing. Drawing on her 40 years of experience and numerous hits, she inspires, entertains and presents songs from her new album: Quatorze.

The show is funny, comforting and gives us back what we need so badly: energy! Don't miss it!

Performance in French

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Andy Giroux

Saturday October 5, 2024 at 15:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Show • theatre, music, visual art


L'Hermite is the story of an old man who has been wandering for years and no longer enjoys anything.
One day, he has an encounter that shakes up his monotonous daily routine and turns his world upside down forever.
This tale touches on themes of loneliness and old age, but also friendship and hope.
L'Hermite is a circus piece that showcases shadow theater and acrobatic performance like you've never seen it before.
The show is cradled by an original soundtrack that carries us through this touching adventure.

Performance in French

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Atelier avancé
Martine Marchand

Wednesday October 9, 2024 at 19:00



Workshops • Watercolor
Adult, Advanced


Ces ateliers permettront aux participants et participantes qui ont déjà suivi des cours d'aquarelle, ou qui ont une bonne maitrise de la technique, d'approfondir et/ou d'améliorer leur technique. Vous devez avoir déjà suivi des cours d'aquarelle.

Les mercredis 9, 16, 23 et 30 octobre. Chaque atelier est d'une durée de 2 h 00.

Matériel : Inclus

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Francine Viel

Next date : Wednesday October 9, 2024 at 19:00 (other dates)



Workshops • Ink
Adult, Beginner


Dans le cadre de cet atelier les participants et participantes expérimenteront l'encre de Chine, en réalisant un projet s'inspirant du sujet (paysage) proposé par la formatrice.

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Eve Côté
Côté Eve

Saturday October 12, 2024 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Show • Comedy


After a triumphant run of hundreds of performances and over 115,000 tickets sold across Québec with Les Grandes Crues, stand-up comedian Eve Côté will be on our stage with her first solo show. Discover her world, her Gaspesian drawl and her colourful humour!

"Accompanying Eve in the development of her first one-woman show has been an incredible opportunity. Eve is a comedian who tells of the uniqueness and complexity of the human condition. After listening to her material dozens and dozens of times, everything about this comedian still makes me laugh out loud. Eve possesses every talent, and my aim is to share it with you as much as possible. This show is at once hilarious, tender and even touching. Eve Côté is in a class of her own. Come and discover her!" - Joël Legendre

"I'd have loved to have a band on stage, fireworks and a tap solo, but in the end it's just me, on all sides, with all my flaws. But I think, like me, you'll find it's a good idea! I'm banking on the best of myself, my native Gaspésie and my jokes!" - Eve Côté

Performance in French.

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Boucles d'oreilles en feutrage
Lauré-Anne Desjardins

Next date : Wednesday October 16, 2024 at 19:00 (other dates)



Workshops • Jewelry and felting
Adult, Beginner


Lors de cet atelier, les participants et participantes vont explorer la technique du feutrage en créant des perles pour fabriquer des boucles d'oreilles.

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Peinture à l'huile
Judith Gratz Ouellette

Next date : Thursday October 17, 2024 at 10:00 (other dates)



Workshops • Painting
Adult, Beginner


Cet atelier est destiné à toute personne curieuse de découvrir les techniques de la peinture à l'huile. Cet atelier est basé sur les principes fondamentaux, l'apprentissage et l'approfondissement de la technique. Tous les niveaux sont bienvenus. La méthodologie est particulièrement développée afin d'acquérir une autonomie. L'enseignement se fait sous forme de démonstrations, de corrections et de cours théoriques suivant la demande. Chacun choisit son sujet et chemine à son rythme tout en profitant des expériences des autres. Apportez votre projet et venez peindre en compagnie de l'artiste. Vous pourrez sélectionner un bloc de 4 semaines ou plus. Choisissez le moment qui vous convient le mieux.
Matériel : Vous devez apporter votre projet et votre matériel. Chaque atelier est d'une durée de 2 h 30.

Bloc 1 : jeudis 19, 26 septembre, 3 et 10 octobre
Bloc 2 : jeudis 17, 23, 31 octobre et 7 novembre
Bloc 3 : jeudis 14, 21, 28 novembre et 5 décembre

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Les nuages
Judith Gratz Ouellette

Thursday October 17, 2024 at 13:30



Workshops • Painting
Adult, Beginner


Cet atelier est destiné aux débutants qui cherchent à avoir une expérience avec cette technique. La réalisation d'un ciel est l'occasion d'approcher un sujet figuratif avec une démarche abstraite car il n'y a pas de contrainte de dessin et les formes sont totalement aléatoires. Ce sujet aborde la technique du dégradé, du fondu des couleurs, des empâtements, des contrastes de lumière et du rendu atmosphérique.
Chaque atelier est d'une durée de 2 h 00.
Matériel : Apportez votre peinture à l'huile (blanc de titane, du bleu outre-mer /cæruleum et du noir.). Fourni par le Centre si nécessaire.

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Peint une fleur
Lauré-Anne Desjardins

Monday October 21, 2024 at 13:00



Workshops • Painting
Adult, Beginner


Lors de cet atelier les participants seront initiés à la technique de la peinture sur soie. C'est en réalisant un projet, une fleur, qu'ils pourront s'initier et explorer ce médium et découvrir les différentes étapes à suivre pour réaliser un projet.
Chaque atelier est d'une durée de 2 h 30.
Matériel : Inclus

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La pomme et sa rondeur
Francine Martin

Next date : Wednesday October 23, 2024 at 19:00 (other dates)



Workshops • Drawing
Adult, Beginner


Cet atelier a pour but de permettre aux participants et participantes de s'initier au dessin au fusain. Les volumes de base en dessin seront enseignés et un montage de nature morte, soit des pommes, servira à mettre en pratique les notions acquises.

Matériel inclus

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Soirées d'improvisation
Ligue d'improvisation du Madawaska et alentours

Next date : Wednesday October 23, 2024 at 19:00 (other dates)



Show • Comedy


L'improvisation fait son grand retour cet automne au Centre des arts! Trois matchs palpitants vous attendent les 18 septembre, 23 octobre et 20 novembre. Préparez-vous à vivre des soirées remplies de rires et de divertissement garanti à chaque rencontre.

Procurez-vous un billet au coût de 10 $ pour assister aux trois matchs, ou achetez vos billets à la porte à 5 $ par match. Attention, les places sont limitées et seront attribuées selon le principe du premier arrivé, premier servi. Ne manquez pas cette chance de vibrer avec la Ligue d'improvisation du Madawaska et des environs!

Les portes ouvriront à 18 h 30, et un service de bar sera offert tout au long des parties.

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Café et peinture
Martine Marchand

Saturday October 26, 2024 at 09:00



Workshops • Acrylic
Adult, Beginner


Résumé : Tout en sirotant un bon café, venez peindre votre citrouille et ainsi vous imprégner de l'ambiance automnale.

Matériel : Inclus

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Créer vos signets
Sophie Pelletier

Saturday October 26, 2024 at 10:00



Workshops • Watercolor
For kids, Beginner


8 à 12 ans
Cet atelier de création de signets est une opportunité pour les enfants de découvrir la technique d'aquarelle et de créer leur propre signet et ainsi garder en place les pages de leurs livres préférés.

Matériel : Inclus

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La citrouille
Océane Martin

Saturday October 26, 2024 at 13:30



Workshops • Painting
For kids, Beginner


8 à 12 ans
Guidé par la formatrice étape par étape, venez peindre votre citrouille qui pourra agrémenter votre décor d'Halloween.

Matériel : Inclus

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Étienne Fletcher

Tuesday October 29, 2024 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • folk pop


There's something resolutely touching about Étienne Fletcher's universe. With gentle scratches in his voice, the singer-songwriter finds the right words to translate life, death and everything in between into song.

A native of Regina, Saskatchewan, he has established himself as one of the most influential artists of his generation on the French-Canadian music scene. In 2022, Étienne Fletcher was crowned "Francophone Artist of the Year" at the West Coast Music Awards, and in 2023, he won 4 awards at the Gala Trille Or, including Artist of the Year and Album of the Year.

Putting his bilingual roots to the fore right from the start, the artist has never been afraid to cover the miles. He has also performed at an impressive number of festivals, including Les Francos de Montréal, Le Festif!, Festival en Chansons de Petite-Vallée, Francofaune (Belgium), Printival (France), Vancouver Summer Festival, Regina Folk Festival, Francofête en Acadie and Coup de coeur francophone.

Busily promoting his album Entre-Deux, due for release on October 1, 2021, the musician moves forward with instinct and precision. Influenced by a variety of musical trends, and with the guitar at the heart of his arrangements, Étienne Fletcher's pop-rock trajectory is authentic and refreshing. His rich, introspective offering is a natural invitation to stop waiting for the good times and the conditional aftermath. The good times are now.

Performance in French

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L'argile prend forme
Emilie Grace Lavoie

Next date : Wednesday October 30, 2024 at 19:00 (other dates)



Workshops • Clay
Adult, Beginner


Les participants seront initiés aux notions de base de la sculpture et au modelage en manipulant la pâte à modeler qui sèche à l'air. C'est en créant un petit projet que vous pourrez explorer avec ce médium.

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Gravure et édition
Marie Line Noel

Next date : Friday November 1, 2024 at 13:30 (other dates)



Workshops • Stamping
Adult, Beginner


Les participants et participantes verrons l'usage sécuritaire des outils afin de graver et réaliser une impression faite main de leur propre estampe.

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Shaun Ferguson
& Nathalia Bohorquez

Saturday November 2, 2024 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • neo-classical, guitar and cello


A true guitar virtuoso, Shaun Ferguson is an accomplished composer and performer. The Caraquet-born musician's instrumental music is modern, free, transcendent and unique. His musical language, representing a poetry rich in subtlety, is surprisingly intense and inevitably takes us on a journey.

On stages across Canada and Europe, Shaun Ferguson captivates audiences with his charismatic personality and gentle, yet powerful musical flights. His almost hypnotic interpretations appeal to instrumental music enthusiasts and less discerning audiences alike.
An artist guided by intuition, agility and sensitivity, Shaun Ferguson draws his inspiration from a variety of sounds, from folk to world music, which he transforms to his own liking.

Winner of several awards, Shaun has also garnered numerous nominations and accolades over the past decades. To date, he has performed in over a dozen countries!

Performance in French

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Martine Marchand

Next date : Wednesday November 6, 2024 at 19:00 (other dates)



Workshops • Watercolor
Adult, Beginner


Venez expérimenter la création avec l'aquarelle tout en apprenant quelques notions de base et de mise en pratique de ce médium, en peignant un coquelicot.

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Un carré décoratif
Emilie Grace Lavoie

Next date : Wednesday November 6, 2024 at 19:00 (other dates)



Workshops • Latch Hooking
Adult, Beginner


Dans cet atelier expérimentez la technique du "Latch Hooking" en créant un petit carré décoratif. C'est une technique qui consiste à utiliser un outil spécial, appelé crochet, pour nouer de courts brins de fil à travers une grille comme base de tissu.

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Patrick Olafson
Broadway & Cie

Saturday November 9, 2024 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • Musical


From Starmania to The Wizard of Oz, via Les Misérables, West Side Story and The Sound of Music, PATRICK OLAFSON, of the TOCADÉO quartet, presents the most beautiful songs from musicals and cinema in a brand-new show: BROADWAY & CIE.

Inspired by his training as an actor and his 30 years' experience as a singer on stage, including numerous appearances in musicals, he demonstrates the full breadth of his vocal range and his talent as an interpreter through works that have marked the general public and lovers of musicals.

Accompanied by Marc-André Cuierrier on piano and a violinist, he will transport and touch you with his powerful voice of rare beauty.

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Marthe Laverdière
Fait son show!

Friday November 15, 2024 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Show • Comedy


When your name is Marthe Laverdière, anecdotes are never far away! Throughout her career and personal life, this outspoken horticulturist has seen it all!

In her first one-woman show, directed by Mario Jean, this excellent storyteller takes us into all kinds of stories, each one funnier and more surprising than the last.

From buying an entire greenhouse on a whim, to colorful customers she's sometimes had to refocus, to huge blunders she's barely caught, to flower bouquet accidents, to her years as a massage therapist or collection agent... when Marthe tells her story, there's never a dull moment, and we're laughing from start to finish.

Performance in French

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Nouvelle administration

Thursday November 21, 2024 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Show • Theater


Since the very first performance on Wednesday, March 21, 1979, the love affair between Quebec audiences and Broue has lasted almost 39 years without interruption. The play has long since transcended its status as mere entertainment and comedy to become a true object of national pride, as Broue has shattered numerous records.

Its colorful characters are part of our collective imagination, in a portrait of pre-referendum Quebec, on the eve of an invasion that threatens their protected area: the arrival of women in the sacrosanct place that is... the Tavern!

Bob, Pointu, Verrue, Travolta and all the others will live on to make you laugh.
We invite you, dear audience, to continue the adventure with us. You're all cordially invited to come and raise a glass at Willy's Tavern!

And... Welcome to the ladies!

The New Administration: Benoît Brière, Luc Guérin and Martin Drainville

Performance in French

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L'arbre de Noël
Martine Marchand

Next date : Wednesday November 27, 2024 at 19:00 (other dates)



Workshops • Acrylic
Adult, Beginner


Venez expérimenter la création avec la peinture acrylique tout en apprenant quelques notions de base et de mise en pratique, en réalisant une petite toile avec un sujet qui vous mettra dans l'ambiance du temps des fêtes.

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Carte de Noël
Martine Marchand

Saturday November 30, 2024 at 09:00



Workshops • Watercolor
Adult, Beginner


Venez créer votre carte de Noël à l'aquarelle pour offrir à une personne qui vous est chère pour célébrer Noël.
Matériel : Inclus

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Confection d'un animal en peluche
Emilie Grace Lavoie

Saturday November 30, 2024 at 09:00



Workshops • Sewing
For kids, Beginner


8 à 12 ans
Venez dessiner votre animal pour ensuite en faire un toutou que vous pourrez coudre avec la formatrice.
Matériel : Inclus

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Fanny Turgeon

Saturday November 30, 2024 at 10:00



Workshops • Painting
Adult, Beginner


Dans le cadre de cet atelier, les participants et participantes vont explorer et expérimenter la technique du pointillisme pour créer une toile au sujet de leur choix. Matériel : Inclus

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Bambi de Noël
Océane Martin

Saturday November 30, 2024 at 13:00



Workshops • Painting
For kids, Beginner


8 à 12 ans
Guidé par la formatrice étape par étape, venez peindre votre bébé cerf que vous pourrez ensuite décorer avec des cocottes et des brillants.
Matériel : Inclus

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Marie Line Noel

Saturday November 30, 2024 at 13:30



Adult, Beginner


Inspiré de l'exposition en cours à la galerie du Centre des arts (portraits d'Yvon Gallant), les participants vont créer leur autoportrait en utilisant par exemple : le dessin, le collage, la peinture ou la couture à la main.
Matériel : Inclus

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Émile Bilodeau
Au bar des espoirs

Saturday November 30, 2024 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Show • Folk


Émile Bilodeau exudes sincerity and has found a way to conquer crowds for the past 10 years. He's delighted to bring the folk-rock gems of his new album Au bar des espoirs, in duo format accompanied by his loyal keyboardist Nathan Vanheuverzwijn.

In a cabaret atmosphere, the lucid chansonnier presents a show full of humour, social awareness and catchy melodies. Au bar des espoirs is driven by the idea that there is a fine line between hope and despair. He portrays an unhappy bartender who doesn't want to quit his job at the risk of becoming like the customers he likes to judge; then wonders what he might do if, by some misfortune, he were to lose his hearing....the whole told with a characteristic and playful temerity he is known for, with the simple goal of keeping us hopeful and smiling.

Performance in French

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Ensemble VoCelli
Noël blanc

Friday December 13, 2024 at 19:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • classical music


The VoCelli ensemble invites you to experience the magic of Christmas! Let yourself be charmed by two voices and two cellos in new arrangements and a unique sound.

Performance in French

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Terrain Virtuel

Friday February 7, 2025 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • Alternative


Spoutnique is much more than a band. It's a sensory experience, a fusion of sounds and rhythms that takes you on a weightless journey with their third album, Terrain Virtuel.

The energy is palpable, carried by hypnotic grooves that transport you to new musical horizons. Each track is an invitation to escape into their unique musical universe. With their boundless creativity and contagious energy, Spoutnique invite you to discover a new dimension of live music. Ready for take-off in 3,2,1!

Performance in French

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Jeunesses Musicales Canada
Francoeur: Cordes, querelles et cour du roi

Friday February 14, 2025 at 19:30


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • classical music


Marie Nadeau-Tremblay on baroque violin, Tristan Best on viol and Kerry Bursey on lute and voice transport you into the life of François Francoeur through French music. From instrumental pieces to sung airs de cour, this expressive trio offers a repertoire where love and betrayal intersect with Couperin, Marais and Lambert.

Performance in French

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Something New | Beatlemania
Hommage aux Beatles

Saturday March 1, 2025 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • tribute, classic pop rock


The brand-new band Something New has arrived on the music scene to pay authentic homage to the Beatles! Formed by Marc André Beaulieu (John Lennon), Fred Beauchamp (Paul McCartney), Fred Rivest (George Harrison) and Jérémy Laporte (Ringo Starr), Something New brings you BEATLEMANIA! the best of the Beatles' 1962-1965 repertoire.

With the energy of their twenties, these four experienced musicians will perform albums from Please Please Me to Rubber Soul. A refreshing show with guaranteed value! What sets them apart from all the other Beatles tributes is undoubtedly their energy and stage presence. Relive the madness of Beatlemania as if you were there!

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Sylvie Boulianne et Les Bluecharms
Des fois c'est moi

Saturday March 8, 2025 at 19:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • folk pop


Performances in French

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Pas besoin d'ajouter la sauce

Thursday March 13, 2025 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Show • Comedy


Neev has been a fixture on the stand-up comedy scene for many years, appearing on television and radio, and at festivals across the country. After touring Quebec and New Brunswick opening for superstar comic sensation Louis-José Houde, he is now hitting the road with his very first one-man show!

In his stand-up show, Neev takes a look at who we are as a society and takes pleasure in shedding light on the little annoyances of our daily lives. Not only does he share his comic observations, but he also talks sensitively about his multiple origins and integration in a personal, no-nonsense way.

With his engaging personality, hearty laugh and well-crafted humour, Neev is already perfectly spiced; no need to add the sauce.

Performance in French

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C'est l'histoire de...

Saturday March 22, 2025 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • Folk


In this new show, ABOiTEAU tells its stories and legends in a musical universe that blends folk, trad, Celtic and rock!

Since returning to the stage, ABOiTEAU has had the pleasure of sharing the bill with Zachary Richard, Édith Butler, Lisa LeBlanc and 1755, and has taken part in numerous festivals and celebrations across the province. And in the mid-2000s, ABOiTEAU played a number of shows throughout New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Gaspé and the Magdalen Islands.

Performance in French

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Maude Cyr-Deschênes

Saturday March 29, 2025 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming



In 2024, Maude Cyr-Deschênes' life took a big turn when she was crowned La Voix 2024. Despite her young age, the Acadian singer-songwriter, actress and pianist is not short of experience. She already has two EPs to her credit, and was part of the cast of La mélodie du bonheur, directed by Denise Filiatrault (2011) and Gregory Charles (2022-2023).

Maude stands out on stage for her confidence, her bubbly personality and, above all, her crystal-clear voice. Whether solo or accompanied by exceptional young musicians, audiences can discover Maude's musical universe with her indie-rock songs. She'll also give a nod to her time on the show, performing the songs that won over the public and helped her win La Voix.

Performance in French

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Matthieu Pepper
En attendant la fête au village

Wednesday April 9, 2025 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Show • Comedy


Matthieu Pepper established himself as a stand-up by performing regularly at the legendary Bordel Comédie Club. He stands out in his field for his writing, his stage presence and his rigour. It was at the fabled club that he made several key connections that proved decisive for his rising career.

Since those early days, Matthieu has been busy with projects on stage, at festivals, on the web, on radio and on television. In fact, he was the creator, lead writer and actor of his first TV series Entre 2 draps, which was a huge success, garnering several awards and nominations during its four seasons on screen. Matthieu is now making a name for himself as a comedian, writer and performer. In 2023, after a meteoric rise in recent years, he was crowned Discovery of the Year at the Olivier Gala.

In this, his first solo show, comedian Matthieu Pepper opens up about his shortcomings, pitfalls and reflections-stating that"When life throws us a curveball, we have to remember that there's always a party in the village"! During his performance, he lets people into his private world, where they can sit back, relax and have a good laugh. A seasoned writer, he takes us where reflection and introspection meet hilarity.

Performance in French

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Les Hay Babies
Tintamarre !

Friday April 18, 2025 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • Folk


A live Les Hay Babies' show is a spellbinding experience where rock meets the folk soul of Acadie.

This show is about celebration, country rock and sincerity. With their guitars, iconic costumes and vocal harmonies, the group takes the audience on a musical journey through the rich soundscapes of the regions that are so dear to their hearts.

And where there's Acadie, there's good times. On stage, Julie, Katrine and Vivianne exude an infectious energy, weaving comedy and touching stories throughout their performance. They effortlessly create an atmosphere that's both festive and introspective, full of smiles and emotion. The Hay Babies don't just entertain, they create an authentic connection with their audience, inviting them to get to know the stories and rhythms of their home, one song at a time.

Performance in French

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Ludovick Bourgeois
Les BB par Ludovick Bourgeois

Thursday May 8, 2025 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • youth rock


After being asked repeatedly for many years, the time has finally come for Ludovick Bourgeois to pay tribute in song and design to the artistic and personal career of his famous father Patrick and his cult band Les BB.

Accompanied by fantastic musicians, Ludovick will take audiences on a journey back in time, revisiting the legendary group's countless hits - Parfums du passé, Seul au combat, Donne-moi ma chance, Tu ne sauras jamais, T'es dans la lune and many others - as well as some of his personal favourites.

A nostalgia-filled show, directed by Joël Legendre, that the beloved singer hopes will be as captivating as it is grandiose!

Performance in French

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Zeugma Danse

Saturday May 10, 2025 at 19:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Show • Dance


Filled with explosive energy, both vibrant and moving, Errances unfolds like a vast social fresco, giving life to a succession of tableaux in which the fragility of the individual and the strength of the group are sometimes expressed.

The company's most recent off-site creation, this work, performed by eight artists, allows audiences to experience jigging, percussive dance and contemporary movement in close proximity to the performers, in a 360-degree formula.

Errances: an odyssey that opens onto the discovery and reunion of being.

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Mona DeGrenoble
De la poudre aux yeux

Saturday May 17, 2025 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Show • Comedy


Known for her unifying spirit and comedic stylings, this unashamed drag queen, Mona de Grenoble (Alexandre Aussant) carries a satchel full of talent! On tour with her first one-Mona-show, entitled De la poudre aux yeux, directed by Vincent Léonard (Les Denis Drolet) audiences are in for an incredible evening.

Tackling a variety of heartfelt themes, from hypochondria and the drag "invasion" to the clash between Mona and her generation and the spectre of gender-neutral pronouns, De la poudre aux yeux will also reveal more about the genesis of the irreverent but likeable drag character, and the eternal duality between her and Alexandre. "Beyond my character, behind the make-up of the sweaty madame, hides a man... who sweats even more," she says.

The first drag queen to devote herself to stand-up on a major tour of Quebec, Mona de Grenoble will meet audiences somewhere between a pillow talk session and a heavy-on-the-wine family dinner! And with jokes ranging from false eyelashes to oil changes, she's just as capable of making a hairdresser laugh as a mechanic from Val d'Or.

After making her mark on Le prochain stand-up, where she reached the finals, Mona de Grenoble received a nomination at the 2022 Gala Les Olivier for the podcast Entre 2 lèvres, which she co-hosted. In 2023, she entered Big Brother Célébrités, where she swept all before her, winning the season and the public's Favourite Player award.

Performance in French

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13 Hz

Wednesday May 21, 2025 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Show • Variety


After multiple successful tours and over 2 million tickets sold, Messmer, known and recognized as a World Master of Hypnosis, is out on tour with a brand new show.

In 13Hz, Messmer invites audiences to enter his mysterious and hilarious universe, where the boundaries between reality and illusion are blurred, directing thoughts into uncharted territory.

With his unrivalled charismatic presence and exceptional talent, the record-holder in group hypnosis, (1066 people hypnotised under 5 minutes), plunges spectators into the heart of their deepest thoughts before guiding them through a subtle play of 13Hz brainwaves.

The enchanter draws one into a unique state of consciousness where willpower and control lives take on a new dimension. Dare to discover the Messmer experience, where self-control meets fascination.

Performance in French

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Martin Levac
Phil Collins & Genesis... Live

Saturday June 7, 2025 at 19:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • rock


Martin Levac continues his journey into the combined universe of Phil Collins & Genesis in a new show! Phil Collins & Genesis... Live invites audiences to relive the great songs that accompanied the most beautiful moments of their life!

From the intimate to the universal, he draws us into the soundtrack of his life, which is also ours... It's a real journey through time, from the beginnings of Genesis to the great hits of Phil Collins.

Surrounded by his loyal musicians, Martin Levac shows us how this music has shaped and transformed his life and career.

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France D'Amour
Quatorze (Première partie Maude Cyr-Deschênes)

Friday September 27, 2024 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • pop singing


Need a morale booster? France D'Amour's show is just the thing. Drawing on her 40 years of experience and numerous hits, she inspires, entertains and presents songs from her new album: Quatorze.

The show is funny, comforting and gives us back what we need so badly: energy! Don't miss it!

Performance in French

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Andy Giroux

Saturday October 5, 2024 at 15:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Show • theatre, music, visual art


L'Hermite is the story of an old man who has been wandering for years and no longer enjoys anything.
One day, he has an encounter that shakes up his monotonous daily routine and turns his world upside down forever.
This tale touches on themes of loneliness and old age, but also friendship and hope.
L'Hermite is a circus piece that showcases shadow theater and acrobatic performance like you've never seen it before.
The show is cradled by an original soundtrack that carries us through this touching adventure.

Performance in French

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Eve Côté
Côté Eve

Saturday October 12, 2024 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Show • Comedy


After a triumphant run of hundreds of performances and over 115,000 tickets sold across Québec with Les Grandes Crues, stand-up comedian Eve Côté will be on our stage with her first solo show. Discover her world, her Gaspesian drawl and her colourful humour!

"Accompanying Eve in the development of her first one-woman show has been an incredible opportunity. Eve is a comedian who tells of the uniqueness and complexity of the human condition. After listening to her material dozens and dozens of times, everything about this comedian still makes me laugh out loud. Eve possesses every talent, and my aim is to share it with you as much as possible. This show is at once hilarious, tender and even touching. Eve Côté is in a class of her own. Come and discover her!" - Joël Legendre

"I'd have loved to have a band on stage, fireworks and a tap solo, but in the end it's just me, on all sides, with all my flaws. But I think, like me, you'll find it's a good idea! I'm banking on the best of myself, my native Gaspésie and my jokes!" - Eve Côté

Performance in French.

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Étienne Fletcher

Tuesday October 29, 2024 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • folk pop


There's something resolutely touching about Étienne Fletcher's universe. With gentle scratches in his voice, the singer-songwriter finds the right words to translate life, death and everything in between into song.

A native of Regina, Saskatchewan, he has established himself as one of the most influential artists of his generation on the French-Canadian music scene. In 2022, Étienne Fletcher was crowned "Francophone Artist of the Year" at the West Coast Music Awards, and in 2023, he won 4 awards at the Gala Trille Or, including Artist of the Year and Album of the Year.

Putting his bilingual roots to the fore right from the start, the artist has never been afraid to cover the miles. He has also performed at an impressive number of festivals, including Les Francos de Montréal, Le Festif!, Festival en Chansons de Petite-Vallée, Francofaune (Belgium), Printival (France), Vancouver Summer Festival, Regina Folk Festival, Francofête en Acadie and Coup de coeur francophone.

Busily promoting his album Entre-Deux, due for release on October 1, 2021, the musician moves forward with instinct and precision. Influenced by a variety of musical trends, and with the guitar at the heart of his arrangements, Étienne Fletcher's pop-rock trajectory is authentic and refreshing. His rich, introspective offering is a natural invitation to stop waiting for the good times and the conditional aftermath. The good times are now.

Performance in French

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Shaun Ferguson
& Nathalia Bohorquez

Saturday November 2, 2024 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • neo-classical, guitar and cello


A true guitar virtuoso, Shaun Ferguson is an accomplished composer and performer. The Caraquet-born musician's instrumental music is modern, free, transcendent and unique. His musical language, representing a poetry rich in subtlety, is surprisingly intense and inevitably takes us on a journey.

On stages across Canada and Europe, Shaun Ferguson captivates audiences with his charismatic personality and gentle, yet powerful musical flights. His almost hypnotic interpretations appeal to instrumental music enthusiasts and less discerning audiences alike.
An artist guided by intuition, agility and sensitivity, Shaun Ferguson draws his inspiration from a variety of sounds, from folk to world music, which he transforms to his own liking.

Winner of several awards, Shaun has also garnered numerous nominations and accolades over the past decades. To date, he has performed in over a dozen countries!

Performance in French

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Patrick Olafson
Broadway & Cie

Saturday November 9, 2024 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • Musical


From Starmania to The Wizard of Oz, via Les Misérables, West Side Story and The Sound of Music, PATRICK OLAFSON, of the TOCADÉO quartet, presents the most beautiful songs from musicals and cinema in a brand-new show: BROADWAY & CIE.

Inspired by his training as an actor and his 30 years' experience as a singer on stage, including numerous appearances in musicals, he demonstrates the full breadth of his vocal range and his talent as an interpreter through works that have marked the general public and lovers of musicals.

Accompanied by Marc-André Cuierrier on piano and a violinist, he will transport and touch you with his powerful voice of rare beauty.

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Marthe Laverdière
Fait son show!

Friday November 15, 2024 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Show • Comedy


When your name is Marthe Laverdière, anecdotes are never far away! Throughout her career and personal life, this outspoken horticulturist has seen it all!

In her first one-woman show, directed by Mario Jean, this excellent storyteller takes us into all kinds of stories, each one funnier and more surprising than the last.

From buying an entire greenhouse on a whim, to colorful customers she's sometimes had to refocus, to huge blunders she's barely caught, to flower bouquet accidents, to her years as a massage therapist or collection agent... when Marthe tells her story, there's never a dull moment, and we're laughing from start to finish.

Performance in French

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Nouvelle administration

Thursday November 21, 2024 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Show • Theater


Since the very first performance on Wednesday, March 21, 1979, the love affair between Quebec audiences and Broue has lasted almost 39 years without interruption. The play has long since transcended its status as mere entertainment and comedy to become a true object of national pride, as Broue has shattered numerous records.

Its colorful characters are part of our collective imagination, in a portrait of pre-referendum Quebec, on the eve of an invasion that threatens their protected area: the arrival of women in the sacrosanct place that is... the Tavern!

Bob, Pointu, Verrue, Travolta and all the others will live on to make you laugh.
We invite you, dear audience, to continue the adventure with us. You're all cordially invited to come and raise a glass at Willy's Tavern!

And... Welcome to the ladies!

The New Administration: Benoît Brière, Luc Guérin and Martin Drainville

Performance in French

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Émile Bilodeau
Au bar des espoirs

Saturday November 30, 2024 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Show • Folk


Émile Bilodeau exudes sincerity and has found a way to conquer crowds for the past 10 years. He's delighted to bring the folk-rock gems of his new album Au bar des espoirs, in duo format accompanied by his loyal keyboardist Nathan Vanheuverzwijn.

In a cabaret atmosphere, the lucid chansonnier presents a show full of humour, social awareness and catchy melodies. Au bar des espoirs is driven by the idea that there is a fine line between hope and despair. He portrays an unhappy bartender who doesn't want to quit his job at the risk of becoming like the customers he likes to judge; then wonders what he might do if, by some misfortune, he were to lose his hearing....the whole told with a characteristic and playful temerity he is known for, with the simple goal of keeping us hopeful and smiling.

Performance in French

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Ensemble VoCelli
Noël blanc

Friday December 13, 2024 at 19:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • classical music


The VoCelli ensemble invites you to experience the magic of Christmas! Let yourself be charmed by two voices and two cellos in new arrangements and a unique sound.

Performance in French

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Terrain Virtuel

Friday February 7, 2025 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • Alternative


Spoutnique is much more than a band. It's a sensory experience, a fusion of sounds and rhythms that takes you on a weightless journey with their third album, Terrain Virtuel.

The energy is palpable, carried by hypnotic grooves that transport you to new musical horizons. Each track is an invitation to escape into their unique musical universe. With their boundless creativity and contagious energy, Spoutnique invite you to discover a new dimension of live music. Ready for take-off in 3,2,1!

Performance in French

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Jeunesses Musicales Canada
Francoeur: Cordes, querelles et cour du roi

Friday February 14, 2025 at 19:30


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • classical music


Marie Nadeau-Tremblay on baroque violin, Tristan Best on viol and Kerry Bursey on lute and voice transport you into the life of François Francoeur through French music. From instrumental pieces to sung airs de cour, this expressive trio offers a repertoire where love and betrayal intersect with Couperin, Marais and Lambert.

Performance in French

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Something New | Beatlemania
Hommage aux Beatles

Saturday March 1, 2025 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • tribute, classic pop rock


The brand-new band Something New has arrived on the music scene to pay authentic homage to the Beatles! Formed by Marc André Beaulieu (John Lennon), Fred Beauchamp (Paul McCartney), Fred Rivest (George Harrison) and Jérémy Laporte (Ringo Starr), Something New brings you BEATLEMANIA! the best of the Beatles' 1962-1965 repertoire.

With the energy of their twenties, these four experienced musicians will perform albums from Please Please Me to Rubber Soul. A refreshing show with guaranteed value! What sets them apart from all the other Beatles tributes is undoubtedly their energy and stage presence. Relive the madness of Beatlemania as if you were there!

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Sylvie Boulianne et Les Bluecharms
Des fois c'est moi

Saturday March 8, 2025 at 19:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • folk pop


Performances in French

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Pas besoin d'ajouter la sauce

Thursday March 13, 2025 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Show • Comedy


Neev has been a fixture on the stand-up comedy scene for many years, appearing on television and radio, and at festivals across the country. After touring Quebec and New Brunswick opening for superstar comic sensation Louis-José Houde, he is now hitting the road with his very first one-man show!

In his stand-up show, Neev takes a look at who we are as a society and takes pleasure in shedding light on the little annoyances of our daily lives. Not only does he share his comic observations, but he also talks sensitively about his multiple origins and integration in a personal, no-nonsense way.

With his engaging personality, hearty laugh and well-crafted humour, Neev is already perfectly spiced; no need to add the sauce.

Performance in French

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C'est l'histoire de...

Saturday March 22, 2025 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • Folk


In this new show, ABOiTEAU tells its stories and legends in a musical universe that blends folk, trad, Celtic and rock!

Since returning to the stage, ABOiTEAU has had the pleasure of sharing the bill with Zachary Richard, Édith Butler, Lisa LeBlanc and 1755, and has taken part in numerous festivals and celebrations across the province. And in the mid-2000s, ABOiTEAU played a number of shows throughout New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Gaspé and the Magdalen Islands.

Performance in French

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Maude Cyr-Deschênes

Saturday March 29, 2025 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming



In 2024, Maude Cyr-Deschênes' life took a big turn when she was crowned La Voix 2024. Despite her young age, the Acadian singer-songwriter, actress and pianist is not short of experience. She already has two EPs to her credit, and was part of the cast of La mélodie du bonheur, directed by Denise Filiatrault (2011) and Gregory Charles (2022-2023).

Maude stands out on stage for her confidence, her bubbly personality and, above all, her crystal-clear voice. Whether solo or accompanied by exceptional young musicians, audiences can discover Maude's musical universe with her indie-rock songs. She'll also give a nod to her time on the show, performing the songs that won over the public and helped her win La Voix.

Performance in French

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Matthieu Pepper
En attendant la fête au village

Wednesday April 9, 2025 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Show • Comedy


Matthieu Pepper established himself as a stand-up by performing regularly at the legendary Bordel Comédie Club. He stands out in his field for his writing, his stage presence and his rigour. It was at the fabled club that he made several key connections that proved decisive for his rising career.

Since those early days, Matthieu has been busy with projects on stage, at festivals, on the web, on radio and on television. In fact, he was the creator, lead writer and actor of his first TV series Entre 2 draps, which was a huge success, garnering several awards and nominations during its four seasons on screen. Matthieu is now making a name for himself as a comedian, writer and performer. In 2023, after a meteoric rise in recent years, he was crowned Discovery of the Year at the Olivier Gala.

In this, his first solo show, comedian Matthieu Pepper opens up about his shortcomings, pitfalls and reflections-stating that"When life throws us a curveball, we have to remember that there's always a party in the village"! During his performance, he lets people into his private world, where they can sit back, relax and have a good laugh. A seasoned writer, he takes us where reflection and introspection meet hilarity.

Performance in French

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Les Hay Babies
Tintamarre !

Friday April 18, 2025 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • Folk


A live Les Hay Babies' show is a spellbinding experience where rock meets the folk soul of Acadie.

This show is about celebration, country rock and sincerity. With their guitars, iconic costumes and vocal harmonies, the group takes the audience on a musical journey through the rich soundscapes of the regions that are so dear to their hearts.

And where there's Acadie, there's good times. On stage, Julie, Katrine and Vivianne exude an infectious energy, weaving comedy and touching stories throughout their performance. They effortlessly create an atmosphere that's both festive and introspective, full of smiles and emotion. The Hay Babies don't just entertain, they create an authentic connection with their audience, inviting them to get to know the stories and rhythms of their home, one song at a time.

Performance in French

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Ludovick Bourgeois
Les BB par Ludovick Bourgeois

Thursday May 8, 2025 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • youth rock


After being asked repeatedly for many years, the time has finally come for Ludovick Bourgeois to pay tribute in song and design to the artistic and personal career of his famous father Patrick and his cult band Les BB.

Accompanied by fantastic musicians, Ludovick will take audiences on a journey back in time, revisiting the legendary group's countless hits - Parfums du passé, Seul au combat, Donne-moi ma chance, Tu ne sauras jamais, T'es dans la lune and many others - as well as some of his personal favourites.

A nostalgia-filled show, directed by Joël Legendre, that the beloved singer hopes will be as captivating as it is grandiose!

Performance in French

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Zeugma Danse

Saturday May 10, 2025 at 19:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Show • Dance


Filled with explosive energy, both vibrant and moving, Errances unfolds like a vast social fresco, giving life to a succession of tableaux in which the fragility of the individual and the strength of the group are sometimes expressed.

The company's most recent off-site creation, this work, performed by eight artists, allows audiences to experience jigging, percussive dance and contemporary movement in close proximity to the performers, in a 360-degree formula.

Errances: an odyssey that opens onto the discovery and reunion of being.

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Mona DeGrenoble
De la poudre aux yeux

Saturday May 17, 2025 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Show • Comedy


Known for her unifying spirit and comedic stylings, this unashamed drag queen, Mona de Grenoble (Alexandre Aussant) carries a satchel full of talent! On tour with her first one-Mona-show, entitled De la poudre aux yeux, directed by Vincent Léonard (Les Denis Drolet) audiences are in for an incredible evening.

Tackling a variety of heartfelt themes, from hypochondria and the drag "invasion" to the clash between Mona and her generation and the spectre of gender-neutral pronouns, De la poudre aux yeux will also reveal more about the genesis of the irreverent but likeable drag character, and the eternal duality between her and Alexandre. "Beyond my character, behind the make-up of the sweaty madame, hides a man... who sweats even more," she says.

The first drag queen to devote herself to stand-up on a major tour of Quebec, Mona de Grenoble will meet audiences somewhere between a pillow talk session and a heavy-on-the-wine family dinner! And with jokes ranging from false eyelashes to oil changes, she's just as capable of making a hairdresser laugh as a mechanic from Val d'Or.

After making her mark on Le prochain stand-up, where she reached the finals, Mona de Grenoble received a nomination at the 2022 Gala Les Olivier for the podcast Entre 2 lèvres, which she co-hosted. In 2023, she entered Big Brother Célébrités, where she swept all before her, winning the season and the public's Favourite Player award.

Performance in French

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13 Hz

Wednesday May 21, 2025 at 20:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Show • Variety


After multiple successful tours and over 2 million tickets sold, Messmer, known and recognized as a World Master of Hypnosis, is out on tour with a brand new show.

In 13Hz, Messmer invites audiences to enter his mysterious and hilarious universe, where the boundaries between reality and illusion are blurred, directing thoughts into uncharted territory.

With his unrivalled charismatic presence and exceptional talent, the record-holder in group hypnosis, (1066 people hypnotised under 5 minutes), plunges spectators into the heart of their deepest thoughts before guiding them through a subtle play of 13Hz brainwaves.

The enchanter draws one into a unique state of consciousness where willpower and control lives take on a new dimension. Dare to discover the Messmer experience, where self-control meets fascination.

Performance in French

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Martin Levac
Phil Collins & Genesis... Live

Saturday June 7, 2025 at 19:00


2024 - 2025 Programming

Concert • rock


Martin Levac continues his journey into the combined universe of Phil Collins & Genesis in a new show! Phil Collins & Genesis... Live invites audiences to relive the great songs that accompanied the most beautiful moments of their life!

From the intimate to the universal, he draws us into the soundtrack of his life, which is also ours... It's a real journey through time, from the beginnings of Genesis to the great hits of Phil Collins.

Surrounded by his loyal musicians, Martin Levac shows us how this music has shaped and transformed his life and career.

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Atelier avancé
Martine Marchand

Wednesday October 9, 2024 at 19:00



Workshops • Watercolor
Adult, Advanced


Ces ateliers permettront aux participants et participantes qui ont déjà suivi des cours d'aquarelle, ou qui ont une bonne maitrise de la technique, d'approfondir et/ou d'améliorer leur technique. Vous devez avoir déjà suivi des cours d'aquarelle.

Les mercredis 9, 16, 23 et 30 octobre. Chaque atelier est d'une durée de 2 h 00.

Matériel : Inclus

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Francine Viel

Next date : Wednesday October 9, 2024 at 19:00 (other dates)



Workshops • Ink
Adult, Beginner


Dans le cadre de cet atelier les participants et participantes expérimenteront l'encre de Chine, en réalisant un projet s'inspirant du sujet (paysage) proposé par la formatrice.

Matériel inclus

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Boucles d'oreilles en feutrage
Lauré-Anne Desjardins

Next date : Wednesday October 16, 2024 at 19:00 (other dates)



Workshops • Jewelry and felting
Adult, Beginner


Lors de cet atelier, les participants et participantes vont explorer la technique du feutrage en créant des perles pour fabriquer des boucles d'oreilles.

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Peinture à l'huile
Judith Gratz Ouellette

Next date : Thursday October 17, 2024 at 10:00 (other dates)



Workshops • Painting
Adult, Beginner


Cet atelier est destiné à toute personne curieuse de découvrir les techniques de la peinture à l'huile. Cet atelier est basé sur les principes fondamentaux, l'apprentissage et l'approfondissement de la technique. Tous les niveaux sont bienvenus. La méthodologie est particulièrement développée afin d'acquérir une autonomie. L'enseignement se fait sous forme de démonstrations, de corrections et de cours théoriques suivant la demande. Chacun choisit son sujet et chemine à son rythme tout en profitant des expériences des autres. Apportez votre projet et venez peindre en compagnie de l'artiste. Vous pourrez sélectionner un bloc de 4 semaines ou plus. Choisissez le moment qui vous convient le mieux.
Matériel : Vous devez apporter votre projet et votre matériel. Chaque atelier est d'une durée de 2 h 30.

Bloc 1 : jeudis 19, 26 septembre, 3 et 10 octobre
Bloc 2 : jeudis 17, 23, 31 octobre et 7 novembre
Bloc 3 : jeudis 14, 21, 28 novembre et 5 décembre

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Les nuages
Judith Gratz Ouellette

Thursday October 17, 2024 at 13:30



Workshops • Painting
Adult, Beginner


Cet atelier est destiné aux débutants qui cherchent à avoir une expérience avec cette technique. La réalisation d'un ciel est l'occasion d'approcher un sujet figuratif avec une démarche abstraite car il n'y a pas de contrainte de dessin et les formes sont totalement aléatoires. Ce sujet aborde la technique du dégradé, du fondu des couleurs, des empâtements, des contrastes de lumière et du rendu atmosphérique.
Chaque atelier est d'une durée de 2 h 00.
Matériel : Apportez votre peinture à l'huile (blanc de titane, du bleu outre-mer /cæruleum et du noir.). Fourni par le Centre si nécessaire.

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Peint une fleur
Lauré-Anne Desjardins

Monday October 21, 2024 at 13:00



Workshops • Painting
Adult, Beginner


Lors de cet atelier les participants seront initiés à la technique de la peinture sur soie. C'est en réalisant un projet, une fleur, qu'ils pourront s'initier et explorer ce médium et découvrir les différentes étapes à suivre pour réaliser un projet.
Chaque atelier est d'une durée de 2 h 30.
Matériel : Inclus

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La pomme et sa rondeur
Francine Martin

Next date : Wednesday October 23, 2024 at 19:00 (other dates)



Workshops • Drawing
Adult, Beginner


Cet atelier a pour but de permettre aux participants et participantes de s'initier au dessin au fusain. Les volumes de base en dessin seront enseignés et un montage de nature morte, soit des pommes, servira à mettre en pratique les notions acquises.

Matériel inclus

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Soirées d'improvisation
Ligue d'improvisation du Madawaska et alentours

Next date : Wednesday October 23, 2024 at 19:00 (other dates)



Show • Comedy


L'improvisation fait son grand retour cet automne au Centre des arts! Trois matchs palpitants vous attendent les 18 septembre, 23 octobre et 20 novembre. Préparez-vous à vivre des soirées remplies de rires et de divertissement garanti à chaque rencontre.

Procurez-vous un billet au coût de 10 $ pour assister aux trois matchs, ou achetez vos billets à la porte à 5 $ par match. Attention, les places sont limitées et seront attribuées selon le principe du premier arrivé, premier servi. Ne manquez pas cette chance de vibrer avec la Ligue d'improvisation du Madawaska et des environs!

Les portes ouvriront à 18 h 30, et un service de bar sera offert tout au long des parties.

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Café et peinture
Martine Marchand

Saturday October 26, 2024 at 09:00



Workshops • Acrylic
Adult, Beginner


Résumé : Tout en sirotant un bon café, venez peindre votre citrouille et ainsi vous imprégner de l'ambiance automnale.

Matériel : Inclus

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Créer vos signets
Sophie Pelletier

Saturday October 26, 2024 at 10:00



Workshops • Watercolor
For kids, Beginner


8 à 12 ans
Cet atelier de création de signets est une opportunité pour les enfants de découvrir la technique d'aquarelle et de créer leur propre signet et ainsi garder en place les pages de leurs livres préférés.

Matériel : Inclus

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La citrouille
Océane Martin

Saturday October 26, 2024 at 13:30



Workshops • Painting
For kids, Beginner


8 à 12 ans
Guidé par la formatrice étape par étape, venez peindre votre citrouille qui pourra agrémenter votre décor d'Halloween.

Matériel : Inclus

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L'argile prend forme
Emilie Grace Lavoie

Next date : Wednesday October 30, 2024 at 19:00 (other dates)



Workshops • Clay
Adult, Beginner


Les participants seront initiés aux notions de base de la sculpture et au modelage en manipulant la pâte à modeler qui sèche à l'air. C'est en créant un petit projet que vous pourrez explorer avec ce médium.

Matériel inclus

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Gravure et édition
Marie Line Noel

Next date : Friday November 1, 2024 at 13:30 (other dates)



Workshops • Stamping
Adult, Beginner


Les participants et participantes verrons l'usage sécuritaire des outils afin de graver et réaliser une impression faite main de leur propre estampe.

Matériel inclus

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Martine Marchand

Next date : Wednesday November 6, 2024 at 19:00 (other dates)



Workshops • Watercolor
Adult, Beginner


Venez expérimenter la création avec l'aquarelle tout en apprenant quelques notions de base et de mise en pratique de ce médium, en peignant un coquelicot.

Matériel inclus

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Un carré décoratif
Emilie Grace Lavoie

Next date : Wednesday November 6, 2024 at 19:00 (other dates)



Workshops • Latch Hooking
Adult, Beginner


Dans cet atelier expérimentez la technique du "Latch Hooking" en créant un petit carré décoratif. C'est une technique qui consiste à utiliser un outil spécial, appelé crochet, pour nouer de courts brins de fil à travers une grille comme base de tissu.

Matériel inclus

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L'arbre de Noël
Martine Marchand

Next date : Wednesday November 27, 2024 at 19:00 (other dates)



Workshops • Acrylic
Adult, Beginner


Venez expérimenter la création avec la peinture acrylique tout en apprenant quelques notions de base et de mise en pratique, en réalisant une petite toile avec un sujet qui vous mettra dans l'ambiance du temps des fêtes.

Matériel inclus

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Carte de Noël
Martine Marchand

Saturday November 30, 2024 at 09:00



Workshops • Watercolor
Adult, Beginner


Venez créer votre carte de Noël à l'aquarelle pour offrir à une personne qui vous est chère pour célébrer Noël.
Matériel : Inclus

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Confection d'un animal en peluche
Emilie Grace Lavoie

Saturday November 30, 2024 at 09:00



Workshops • Sewing
For kids, Beginner


8 à 12 ans
Venez dessiner votre animal pour ensuite en faire un toutou que vous pourrez coudre avec la formatrice.
Matériel : Inclus

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Fanny Turgeon

Saturday November 30, 2024 at 10:00



Workshops • Painting
Adult, Beginner


Dans le cadre de cet atelier, les participants et participantes vont explorer et expérimenter la technique du pointillisme pour créer une toile au sujet de leur choix. Matériel : Inclus

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Bambi de Noël
Océane Martin

Saturday November 30, 2024 at 13:00



Workshops • Painting
For kids, Beginner


8 à 12 ans
Guidé par la formatrice étape par étape, venez peindre votre bébé cerf que vous pourrez ensuite décorer avec des cocottes et des brillants.
Matériel : Inclus

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Marie Line Noel

Saturday November 30, 2024 at 13:30



Adult, Beginner


Inspiré de l'exposition en cours à la galerie du Centre des arts (portraits d'Yvon Gallant), les participants vont créer leur autoportrait en utilisant par exemple : le dessin, le collage, la peinture ou la couture à la main.
Matériel : Inclus

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Centre des arts d'Edmundston

82, chemin Canada
Edmundston (Nouveau-Brunswick)  E3V 1V5
